Aberrant Character
Birth Name: Karen Grey | Erruption: Tragic |
Nova Name: Supergirl | Nature: Outgoing |
Series: X | Allegiance: Phoenix Foundation |
Attributes and Abilities
Strength: 5 | Perception: 3 | Appearance: 3 |
Mega-Str: 5 (Crush, Liefter, Thunderclap) | Mega-Per: 1 (High-End Electromagnetic Scan) | Mega-App: 2 (Awe-Inspiring, Seductive Looks) |
Brawl: 3 | Awareness: 2 | Intimidation: 2 |
Might: 2 | Investigation: | Style: 4 |
Dexterity: 2 | Intelligence: 2 | Manipulation: 3 |
Mega-Dex: 1 (Enhanced Movement) | Mega- Int: 1 (Speed Reading) | Mega-Manip: |
Athletics: 2 | Academics: 4 | Interrogation: |
Drive: 2 | Bureacracy: | Streetwise: 1 |
Firearms: | Computer: 1 | Subterfuge: |
Legerdemain: | Engineering: 1 | |
Martial Arts: | Intrusion: | |
Melee: | Linguistics: 1 | |
Pilot: | Medicine: 1 | |
Stealth: 3 | Science: 1 | |
Survival: 1 | ||
Stamina: 4 | Wits: 2 | Charisma: 4 |
Mega-Sta: 4 (Adaptability, Hardbody, Regeneration, Resiliency) | Mega-Wits: | Mega-Cha: 1(Soothe) |
Endurance: 5 | Arts: 1 | Command: |
Resistance: 5 | Biz: 2 | Etiquette: 1 |
Rapport: | Perform: 3 |
Backgrounds | Quantum Powers |
Attunement: 4 | Absorbtion: 3 |
Eufiber: 3 | Armor: 3 |
Node: 5 | Flight: 5 |
Resources: 3 | Hypermovement(land/flight): 3 |
Invulnerabiltiy (Physical): 5 | |
Quantum Blast: 3 (Agg) | |
Quantum: 5 | |
Quantum Pool: 35 | |
Will Power: 9 | Soak: p(44/10) e(14/10) |
Taint: 3 | Initiative: 4 |
Abberations: | |
Origin: Karen was a miss no one since school
started. No matter how much she tried to be popular, it
just never worked out for her. Most of the time the girls would
just make fun of her. That made her turn to her studies more,
she was already fairly intelligent. She loved to read, especially comic book
stuff. Not the new stuff that is on the net about real life
novas. No. The real classic stuff. Her family was pretty
well off and so she had access to some of the classic stuff. She
loved the Superman books and even the supergirl books. She wanted to
have powers like that. Then one day, she was outside playing with
her puppy when a Terragen group came around and started killing
humans. That is when the headache happened. And being well
read afterall, she knew what was happening and she kept thinking of
superman all throughout the headache as her node was opening.
When the muscle bound terragen terrorist came up to her,
she just stood her ground looking strainght up at him. Then the
amazing thing happened. She floated up to his eye level. She
hit him so hard that the cops had to pick him up zip codes away!
She was at the Rashound Clinic for a few months as they
did tests on her. But she never seen the point of joining T2M, NSI
or any of the other organizations for novas. She wanted to finish
becoming a woman first. That was when she got contacted by Rachel and
she decided that if this is the place she could lead a somewhat
mild-mannered life for a while, this was where she wanted to