Aberrant Character
Birth Name: Rachel Summers | Erruption: Exposure |
Nova Name: Phoenix | Nature: Leader |
Series: X | Allegiance: X |
Attributes and Abilities
Strength: 2 | Perception: 5 | Appearance: 4 |
Mega-Str: | Mega-Per: 2 (Hyperenhanced Hearing: Radiowaves) | Mega-App: |
Brawl: | Awareness: 4 | Intimidation: |
Might: | Investigation: | Style: 3 |
Dexterity: 3 | Intelligence: 5 | Manipulation: 2 |
Mega-Dex: | Mega- Int: 3 (Mental Prodigy: Medical, Taint Resistant) | Mega-Manip: |
Athletics: 2 | Academics: 4 | Interrogation: |
Drive: 2 | Bureacracy: 3 | Streetwise: |
Firearms: | Computer: 2 | Subterfuge: |
Legerdemain: | Engineering: 3 | |
Martial Arts: 3 | Intrusion: | |
Melee: 1 | Linguistics: | |
Pilot: | Medicine: | |
Stealth: | Science: 4 | |
Survival: 3 | ||
Stamina: 3 | Wits: 4 | Charisma: 3 |
Mega-Sta: | Mega-Wits: | Mega-Cha: |
Endurance: 3 | Arts: | Command: 2 |
Resistance: 3 | Biz: 2 | Etiquette: 2 |
Rapport: 1 | Perform: |
Backgrounds | Quantum Powers |
Attunement: 5 | Elemental Mastery(fire): 5 |
Resources: 5 | Telepathy: 4 |
Backing: 3 | Mental Blast: 5 |
Cipher: 5 | Psychic Shield: 4 |
Influence: 5 | |
Quantum: 5 | |
Quantum Pool: 37 | |
Will Power: 9 | Soak: alot |
Taint: 6 | Initiative: 7 |
Abberations: Anima Banner (Fire Aura with Elemental Powers) | |