The Aberrant Files


Aberrant Character
Birth Name: Jack Raven Erruption: By Force of Will
Nova Name: Dead Boy Nature: Leader
Series: X Allegiance: To Himself
Attributes and Abilities

Strength: 5

Perception: 4 Appearance: 4

Mega-Str: 5 (Crush, Shockwave, Thunderclap)

Mega-Per: 4 (Electromagnetic Vision: Visible Light, High-End Electromagnetic Scan, Quantum Attunement) Mega-App:
Brawl: Awareness: 2 Intimidation:
Might: 3 Investigation: Style:
Dexterity: 5 Intelligence: 3 Manipulation: 2
Mega-Dex: 5 (physical prodigy, Accuracy, Enhanced Movement, rapid Strike, fast tasks) Mega- Int: 3 (Analyze Weakness, Mental Prodigy: Scientific, Taint Resistant) Mega-Manip:
Athletics: 4 Academics: 4 Interrogation:
Drive: 2 Bureacracy: 3 Streetwise:
Firearms: Computer: 2 Subterfuge:
Legerdemain: Engineering: 3  
Martial Arts: 4 Intrusion:  
Melee: 4 Linguistics:  
Pilot: Medicine:  
Stealth: Science: 1  
  Survival: 3  
Stamina: 4 Wits: 5 Charisma: 1
Mega-Sta: 4 (Adaptability, durability, hardbody, regeneration) Mega-Wits: 5 (Enhanced Initiative, Multitasking, Quickness) Mega-Cha:
Endurance: 5 Arts: Command: 4
Resistance: 5 Biz: Etiquette:
  Rapport: Perform:
Backgrounds Quantum Powers
Attunement: 2 Armor: 5
Resources: 5 Absorbtion: 3
Backing: 3 Quantum Blast: 6
Cipher: 5 Flight: 5
 Influence: 4 Hyper-movement: 5
 Eufiber: 5 Molecular Manipulation: 2
Quantum: 6 Gravity Manipulation: 2
Quantum Pool: 65 Elemental Master (Electricity): 4
Will Power: 8 Soak: alot
Taint: 5 Initiative: 19
Abberations: Anti-Social tendencies, slight God Complex  
Origin: A true hero and powerhouse direct from T2M.  He has stood with the likes of Divas Maul and Castus Pax.  He has fought titanic battles and was the only one left standing.  He is the famous Dead Boy.
In the beginning however, he was a troubled teen who was sent into the army after being in and out of ju-ve.  In the army he learned disipline and control.  When novas first started to manifest he was amoungst the first.  His level wasn't as high as some, but his was definatly up there.  He slowly began a steady climb in power.  A climb that even amazed the scientists at Utopia.  He was tested upon quite a bit to figure out why he had been such a natural adept at channeling quantum energies.  They were stumped and he continued his steady climb in power levels.
Shortly after the death of Jenifer, he left the team because he believed what Corbin had said.  Jenny had told him much of what was going on in Utopia and he didn't doubt it. He himself had gotten the information for Jenny that she took to Corbin.  The way he sees it, it would have been extremely harder for them to kill him so they killed her as a means to tell him to keep quiet. 
He founded the Phoenix Foundation in order to combat Utopia.  He wants to influence as many novas as he can.  He took his fiance with him and a few other friends to found this school and his plan.  Some knew the truth and others did not.   After he knew that it would continue on, he told his wife that he planned to go into hidding in order to increase his powers more.  He would leave the planet to do so.  This way no other Nova could really track what he was doing.  He made a fake email and sent it just incase Proteus was keeping tabs on them.  He said that when the time is right and he is powerful enough to take on Mal and Pax that he would return.  That was 7 years ago.