The Aberrant Files


Aberrant Character
Birth Name: Sharon Newton Eruption : Trauma
Nova Name : Celestial Nature: Autist
Series: X Allegiance: Phoenix Foundation
Attributes and Abilities
Strength: 2 Perception: 5 Appearance: 4
Mega-Str : Mega-Per: 5 (High-End Electromagnetic Scan, Quantum Attunement) Mega-App:
Brawl: 1 Awareness: 5 Intimidation:
Might: Investigation: Style: 3
Dexterity: 2 Intelligence: 5 Manipulation: 2
Mega-Dex : Mega- Int : 5 (Edetic Memory, Mental Prodigy: Medical and Scientific, Speed Reading) Mega-Manip:
Athletics: Academics: 5 Interrogation:
Drive: 1 Bureacracy: Streetwise:
Firearms:  Computer: 3 Subterfuge:
Legerdemain: Engineering:  
Martial Arts: Intrusion:   
Melee: Linguistics: 2  
Pilot: Medicine: 2  
Stealth: Science: 4  
Stamina: 2 Wits: 2 Charisma: 2
Mega-Sta :1 (adaption) Mega-Wits : Mega-Cha:
Endurance: 3 Arts: Command:
Resistance: 3 Biz: Etiquette:
  Rapport: Perform: 2
Backgrounds Quantum Powers
Backing: 1 Gravity Control: 3
Resources: 1 Teleport: 5
Attunement: 1 Telepathy: 3
Node: 2 Flight: 1
Quantum: 5
Quantum Pool: 39
Will Power: 8 Soak :
Taint: 6 Initiative: 4
Aberrations : People Phobic, Claustrophobic  
Origin: When Sharon was a young girl, she always dreamed of the stars.  It intriged her young mind.  When Novas first started to apprear, she so much wanted to be one too.  She wanted to see the stars with her own eyes.  That was not ment to be.  She was witness to a nova fight that took out much of her hometown of Chicago.